Diego Muñoz Martín

I'm a videogame programmer who loves tech, videogames and board games

About me

  • Birthday: 23 Sep 1998
  • Phone: +34 608863778
  • City: Madrid, Spain
  • Age: 23
  • Degree: MSc in Videogame Programming
  • Email: diego_mzmn@hotmail.com


Ronin-Hood Sisters

FrozenHam Studios



Ronin-Hood Sisters is a Tactical RPG with elements of Rogue-Lite, where the player takes control of a group of magical girls with the ability to combine elements using their special powers that come from their costumes. This group of girls will use all of their abilities to destroy Otakio in order to recover their audience.


Programming languages

C++ for 2D and 3D videogames at low level as well as with UE4

Java for backend software

C# with Unity

Game engines

UE4: development of gameplay features and tools in team projects

Unity: used for smaller academic projects

Version control


Automation, CI/CD

Jenkins: usage and management on professional projects

Travis: personal and academic usage

Scripting languages

Lua for videogames

Bash: development in Linux

Powershell: development in Windows


Collaborative, adaptable and creative working mentality



eXtreme Programming

Backend and frontend web development

Spring Boot, SQL, MySQL: backend, Restful APIs and databases

Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript: frontend

Docker: deployment of web apps via containers

Project and task management

Jira, Trello: personal and team task management

Microsoft Project: project management in a gamedev team with different departments



MSc in Videogame Programming

2020 - 2021

U-Tad, Madrid, Spain

  • Game programming & architecture with C++
  • 2D and 3D (OpenGL) graphics programming
  • Game engines: Unreal Engine 4 and Unity
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Network
  • Scripting with Lua
  • Maths, Audio, UI and Physics programming

BSc in Computer Engineering + BSc in Software Engineering

2016 - 2020

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain

  • Object oriented programming with Java
  • Software architecture analysis and design
  • Advanced data structures, design patterns, clean code
  • Version control with Git
  • Backend: Maven, Spring Boot, SQL
  • Frontend: Angular, HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Agile workflow: Scrum, Kanban, XP
  • CI/CD with Travis and Code quality with SonarCloud
  • Containers: Docker

Distintion with honours in both parts of the end-of-degree project:

OpenVidu Teaching: Videoconference web application for teaching activities

Check it out at this GitHub repository


Generalist UE4 programmer

01/2021 - Present

FrozenHam Studios, Madrid, Spain

Academic project made in UE4 (C++). Worked as part of a 18 people team, with Programming, Design and Art departments, following different stages of development and milestones. Worked on:

  • Pathfinding, character movement and animations
  • Gems, attributes and stats modifier system
  • Level up logic and UI
  • Player input and keyboard control
  • Grid based game world
  • Level creationg tool

Also worked as producer during the production stage

Programming intern

10/2019 - 03/2020

Dars Telecom S.L., Madrid, Spain

R&D department

  • Creation, management, and use of a Jenkins CI server
  • Full stack development of a web application with Java and Javascript (Ext JS)
  • Automated frontend testing with Sencha Test





C1: Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) by the University of Cambridge